
Why You Should Hire a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

In the aftermath of a motorcycle crash, it is important to seek medical attention and document as much evidence as possible. This includes taking photos from different angles and getting contact information for eyewitnesses.

Baltimore Motorcycle Accident Attorney can help you file a claim, negotiate with insurance companies, and go to trial if necessary. They can also provide expert witness testimony to support your case.

A successful motorcycle accident lawsuit can lead to a substantial financial award, compensating you for your medical bills, lost income, property damage, and other costs. However, the process can be complicated and lengthy. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and deal with insurance companies.

Immediately after an accident, it’s important to seek prompt medical attention, document the scene of the crash with photos from multiple angles, jot down what happened, and obtain contact information for potential witnesses. You should also avoid discussing the accident or admitting fault to anyone and only speak to your attorney about the incident.

After your doctor releases you, an experienced attorney will review all of your losses and expenses to determine how much compensation you’re entitled to receive from the at-fault party. Your attorney will carefully explain your legal rights and work with the insurance company to ensure they offer a fair settlement.

If an insurance company refuses to negotiate, your attorney can take them to court to force a settlement. A knowledgeable lawyer will prepare for trial, hiring experts to compile essential data and increase your chances of a victory.

Your attorney can handle all of the legal complexities involved in your case, such as filing the appropriate paperwork, meeting the statute of limitations deadline, and collecting evidence to prove negligence. In New York, the statute of limitations is three years from the date of your accident. If you’re bringing a wrongful death claim on behalf of a loved one, this time limit is shortened to two years after their passing. Your legal team can also handle other details, such as notifying the at-fault parties of your intent to sue.

Medical Bills

When a motorcycle accident causes severe injuries, victims are often left with enormous medical bills that they cannot pay. Fortunately, the at-fault driver’sdriver’s insurance company may be responsible for paying these expenses.

However, many motorcyclists find that their insurance company is slow to pay these claims or refuses to cover the full amount of the medical bills. If this happens to you, it is important to take action as soon as possible.

In addition to seeking prompt medical attention, you should also gather as much evidence as you can in the aftermath of a motorcycle crash. This includes taking photos of the scene, jotting down what you remember about the incident, and collecting contact information from eyewitnesses. If the police are at the scene, you should also obtain a copy of the police report, which will detail how the crash occurred and note the officer’s opinion as to which motorist bears responsibility.

While negligent drivers cause most motorcycle accidents, road and traffic conditions can also play a role. For example, many New York City streets are narrow and poorly designed, which makes it easy for cars and trucks to pull out in front of motorcycles. Additionally, because motorcyclists are so close to the road and other vehicles, they are more likely to be thrown off their bike or run into.

Another common cause of motorcycle accidents is unsafe lane changes. Drivers who fail to signal before changing lanes can put a rider in danger of being sideswiped by an oncoming vehicle. In addition, drivers who turn left without checking for motorcyclists or fail to yield the right-of-way can also cause motorcycle accidents.

Lost Wages

A motorcyclist can incur extensive financial losses after a crash due to medical bills, lost wages, damage to their motorcycle, and more. An experienced attorney can help the victim obtain full compensation from all responsible parties.

The most obvious form of financial loss is the income the victim has lost while they are unable to work. This includes the victim’s missed salary and the value of any bonuses or commissions they might have earned during their time off. It also includes any expenses such as childcare, transportation costs, and housekeeping services they might have had to pay for while they were unable to work.

Many victims of motorcycle accidents require extended hospital stays, multiple surgeries, and prolonged treatment plans that can keep them out of work for months or even years. This can result in thousands of dollars in loss of earnings. In addition, the victim’s damaged motorcycle may need to be repaired or replaced. Fortunately, the at-fault party can be held accountable for these losses through liability bodily injury coverage or uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance.

Typically, to recover this type of claim, the victim must provide evidence that their injuries prevent them from working and that they would have earned the claimed amount had the accident not occurred. This often requires expert testimony, including economic and vocational experts, to support a plaintiff’splaintiff’s claim for future lost income. It is important to have an aggressive lawyer who can quickly gather and analyze all available documentation, obtain expert testimony if necessary, and file a lawsuit to obtain the best possible settlement or verdict.

Pain and Suffering

If you have suffered physical injuries from a motorcycle accident, it is likely that you will need some form of medical attention. However, some of your damages may not be directly tied to your medical bills or lost wages. These include pain and suffering damages.

While it can be difficult to put a price on pain and suffering, it is an important part of a motorcycle accident settlement. This type of compensation covers the discomfort, distress, and loss of enjoyment of life that you have endured as a result of your injury.

A motorcycle accident can leave you with painful and disfiguring injuries, including fractures, contusions, lacerations, herniated discs, spinal cord damage, and burns. In addition to the physical pain, you can also suffer from mental or emotional distress. An experienced lawyer can help you obtain compensation for these non-economic losses.

The more evidence your attorney can collect, the better chance you have of recovering satisfactory settlement amounts for your pain and suffering. This includes documentation from your doctor and witness testimony from loved ones. These are essential pieces of evidence to present to an insurance company, judge, or jury when proving your case.

In addition, your attorney should be able to provide expert medical opinions and evidence that your injuries have impacted and altered parts of your lifestyle. For example, suppose you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In that case, your lawyer will use documentation of your recurring nightmares, flashbacks, and severe anxiety to prove your need for pain and suffering compensation.

Unlike the amount of compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering is usually awarded on a per diem basis until you reach maximum medical improvement. The number of days you spend suffering is often based on your doctor’s observation and evaluation of the severity of your injury.


Insurance companies rely on subrogation to ensure they aren’t left footing the bill for a crash that wasn’t their fault. This process enables them to recoup expenses from the party responsible for the accident by recovering funds that they paid out on the claim. For example, if you’re injured in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver, your workers’ compensation insurance may cover your medical bills and property damage. However, the at-fault driver’s insurance company can be pursued to recoup these costs and potentially get your deductible back.

When a successful subrogation settlement is achieved, the at-fault party’s insurer will send a check to your insurance company for all or part of your deductible. This is often a much quicker process than pursuing the at-fault party to court to determine liability, as they will likely have adequate assets or coverage to pay out a fair sum.

If your injuries or losses were incurred because of someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing, you deserve compensation to help you get on with your life. In order to prove the value of your case and obtain proper compensation, you need to gather and maintain all necessary documentation. This includes receipts for medical expenses, notes about lifestyle changes, and anything else that relates to your unique situation.